The AgTech, Inc Research Center is a research farm located in Garden City, Mo. The research center specializes in conducting superior, real-world research. Through this work, AgTech’s ultimate goal is to help growers attain the highest yields possible and capture good return on investment.

The research center’s team specializes in corn and soybean genetics testing; chemical treatment research; farming technique trials; population studies; and crop rotation studies. Plus, the team’s high-yield research includes studies of biologicals, starter fertilizers and foliar applications. Additionally, the research center has implemented work dedicated to organic and non-GMO crop research.

Foliar Applications

We do a lot of research on foliar and in-furrow applications. During these trials, measure the effects on yield and plant health of numerous different products when applied to corn, soybeans, wheat, and other crops, applied as either a foliar (spray over the top) or in-furrow (application in the row) application. Products we test in this manner include biological products, fungicides, inoculates, liquid fertilizers, and other yield-enhancing products. We can use the data from these trials to make recommendations on what products will help farmers the most in numerous situations

Yield Enhancing Biological Products

Since 2008, we have been doing extensive research on yield enhancing biological products. Biologicals, or microbials, are living organisms that have been found do have a direct benefit to the health of a plant. During these trials, we measure the effect on yield of different types and rates of these biological products. We also measure factors such as the BRIX level, insect pressure, and disease resistance of the plants when biological products have been applied compared to when these products have not been applied. Using this data, we can make recommendations on how to use biological products to achieve the highest yields.

Seed Population Studies

In our seed population studies, we do research on how the seed population effects the yield and overall plant health. We do tests on corn, soybeans, wheat, and other crops to see how each responds to different seed populations. We can use this data to make recommendations on seed populations to get the highest yield.

On Farm Test Plot Planting

In trait vs. non-trait research, we test how a crop with certain traits perform in combination with several factors compared to a crop without that trait. Some of these factors are geographic area, environmental conditions, weather conditions, soil compaction, and many others. We can use the data we collect from this to make recommendations on which seed varieties a grower should use.